How to Make Money Sending Emails
In this 4-step guide, you will learn to make money by sending emails.
This is a great way to start your service or any online business with, and it's free to get started!
Too long to read? This video helps you build a free lead magnet and
email marketing campaigns for free.
Keep reading this post if you want to follow the action and come back
for the next.
Tips for promoting your link
There are many ways to get great results. The best practice is to
adjust your action to the nature of your business and the needs of
the people you are reaching. Here are a few ideas that brought very
good results to others:
Share these links with your close friends and business partners. If
they are looking for a new Email Service Provider, you can simply
send them a link together with a few tips on how to register and use
Elastic Email. You can also help your friends take their first steps
and give them some support.
Publish a tutorial about doing some things in Elastic Email:
Verifying a domain with a specific domain name provider
How to create your first email campaign
How to get the best of the less-known features
You don’t really have to make it in English, you might get even more
profit from doing this in a different language as there is probably less
You can download this Email package and place them somewhere
on your website. Use your referral URL to link them properly to
Elastic Email. There are plenty of various sizes, so you should easily
find the one that fits your website best.
Add information about Elastic Email to your newsletter or other
communications if you believe that the recipients might be
interested in using Elastic Email.
If you know of someone who spends lots of money with other
service providers, Elastic Email is likely a great option for them.
Reach out to them and explain how they can make the switch and
how much they might save.
If you know any developers, they probably would be very
interested in our product. We have a very good API that is developer
friendly. Developers often need a mailing engine for their apps,
eCommerce, and other projects. Not necessarily marketing related,
there is a big market for transactional emails that need to be
delivered every day.
If you have any questions or concerns, or if you see or want to
discuss other ways you can make money with Elastic Email, feel free
to contact us.
Top Email Marketing Stats That Will Amaze You
Firstly, for those who are intrigued by numbers, we’ve gathered
some recent email marketing statistics that sum up the effectiveness
of email marketing:
The return on investment (ROI) for email marketing is $42 for every
dollar spent.
There were four billion global email users in 2020, and by 2025, this
number will grow up to 4.6 billion.
47% of marketers said that email is their most successful marketing
channel, followed by social media marketing (39%), SEO (33%), and
content marketing (33%).
49% of buyers mentioned that they’d like to receive weekly
promotional emails from brands they like.
The average open rate for newsletters across industries is 21.33%.
63% of consumers stated that they open an email to seek discounts.
- Approximately 51% of businesses use automation to improve their
marketing processes.
As you can assume based on the above, email marketing has a lot of
advantages. In the next section, we’ll take an in-depth look into all
you need to know.
Email Marketing Benefits That Make A Difference
Hold your breath, and let’s dive into our email marketing benefits:
Building Personalized Content
Not every buyer has similar needs and wishes. Once you’ve
identified your target audience and buyer personas, it’s time to send
them personalized messages to delight them to the max.
Personalized marketing is a big hit these days, for a good reason. By
using the correct data, you can send targeted messages to your
buyers at the right time. This way, you increase the chances of
converting them, primarily by delivering something relevant to their
preferences and needs. Here’s a personalized email example by
Forever 21:
Email Marketing Benefits For Everyone!
It’s official! If you want your marketing strategy to succeed, you
should put emails in the game. Who could deny all those benefits
after all?
So build unique branded campaigns, promote your new products,
and share discounts and offers. Your ROI will start rising, and so will
brand awareness and authority.
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